GIS Cloud on CodeAcross and OpenDataDay in Zagreb

1 min read

We are happy to sponsor CodeAcross and OpenDataDay events in Zagreb this weekend (4.-6. of March). A week of civic innovations encourages citizens, software developers, designers and activists to work towards strengthening transparency in local governments and communities across the world.

Saturday, March 5th is the International Open Data Day which is gathering citizens all over the world with a goal to create applications, to make public data open for all, together with creating visualizations and publishing analyses using open public data. The main idea behind this global event is to support and encourage the adoption of open data policies by the world’s local, regional and national governments.

Week of civic innovations in Zagreb will start with the conference “Open Data and Civic Hackers: From Rare Exceptions towards Becoming the Standard”. The conference participants will be discussing current developments together with challenges following the process of making data public. This process is also a basis for the platform for achieving goals stated in Republic of Croatia key strategic documents, dedicated to promotion and protection of basic human rights, to a fight against the corruption and to reforms of national information science curriculums.

The conference will be followed by a weekend hackaton, where citizens, designers and software developers will get a chance to participate in the ongoing projects such as Open Public Registers, Active Citizen Participation, Budget Transparency and many others.


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